Admiral Bobbery. Admiral Bobbery “Oh by Blabberton's beard!” Admiral Bobbery (usually just referred to as Bobbery) is a Bobomb who is Mario 's sixth (or seventh depending on whether the player has completed Ms Mowz 's trouble at this point) partner in Paper Mario The ThousandYear Door His windup key is the helm of a ship.

OverviewHistoryAttacks in BattleAdmiral Bobbery is a character from Paper Mario The ThousandYear Door and one of Mario's partners in the game Bobbery first appears when Mario goes to find him to be Flavio's navigator so Mario could go to Keelhaul Key and get the fifth Crystal Star Bobbery refuses but it is revealed by Podley that while Bobbery was out at sea his wife Scarlette died of a fever Bobbery blamed himself as he thinks that if he had been by Scarlette's side then she wouldn't have died Unknown to Bobbery Scarlette gave Podley a letter to give to Bobbery but he couldn't do it after seeing Bobbery so upset Mario then g Attack Flower Points Needed Effect Action Command Move Ranks Bomb 0 Bobbery walks up to the first enemy and explodes on it Hold A until the gauge fills Initial Bomb Squad 3 Bobbery throws three bombs which explode next turn Press A with good aim Initial Hold Fast 4 Return half damage to direct attackers Press A each time a big star lights up Super Rank Bobombast 9 Bobbery explodes with a lot of strength damaging all enemies Rapidly tap A to fill up the gauge Ultra Rank.
Admiral Bobbery Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia
OverviewHistoryAdmiral Bobbery is a Bobomb who is Paper Mario's sixth partner in Paper Mario The ThousandYear Door His wife Scarlette a female Bobomb died of a mysterious illness prior to the events of the game He used to be a proud sailor who loved the sea but loved his wife Scarlette even more While he was out at sea Scarlette became very ill and died shortly after he returned from his voyage The grief and nightmares caused by her loss made him lose the desire to ever sail again Paper Mario The ThousandYear Door In Paper Mario The ThousandYear Door he is needed for navigation to Keelhaul Key yet he refuses to come When Mario gets the letter from his late wife Scarlette and gives it to Bob.
Admiral Bobbery MarioWiki Fandom
OverviewHistoryAttacks and statsAdmiral Bobbery (usually just referred to as Bobbery) is a Bobomb who is Mario's sixth (or seventh depending on whether the player has completed Ms Mowz's trouble at this point) partner in Paper Mario The ThousandYear Door His windup key is the helm of a ship His wife a female Bobomb named Scarlette died of a mysterious illness prior to the events of the game Background Many years prior to the start of the game Admiral Bobbery was infatuated with a Bobomb named Scarlette He loved her madly and proudly only matched by his love of the sea A renowned sailor Admiral Bobbery spent most of his time traveling on the oceans and Scarlette would patiently await his return One particularly icy winter Scarlette fell ill while Admiral Bobbery was out at sea Her condition rapidly deteriorated and by the time Bobbery returned she was dead Aghast and de Attack Flower Points Needed Effects To Attack Bobbery's Hit Points Attack Power Move Ranks Bomb 0 Attacks single enemy Hold down A to fill the gauge Level 1 20 Level 2 30 Level 3 40 Level 1 14 Level 2 25 Level 3 36 Initial Bomb Squad 3 Releases 3 time bombs that explode after 1 turn Press A with the proper timing Level 1 20 Level 2 30 Level 3 40 Level 1 3 Level 2 3 Level 3 3 Initial Hold Fast 4 Directattackers that touch Admiral Bobbery get damaged in battle Press A as the st.
Admiral Bobbery Heroes Wiki Fandom
Admiral Bobbery is a fictional character in Nintendo's Mario franchise and Mario's sixth party member in Paper Mario The ThousandYear Door A retired Bobomb sea captain Admiral Bobbery assists Mario in his quest with his bombrelated attacks and abilities Outside of battle he uses the same attack as Bombette from Paper Mario to explode and blow up cracks When Mario is about to set sail.
Admiral Bobbery Framed Art Print By Nojohns69 Redbubble
Admiral Bobbery Nintendo Fandom
Admiral Bobbery Ultimate Pop Culture Wiki Fandom
Admiral Bobbery Paper Mario Wiki Fandom
OverviewBiographyTrivia”Oh by Blabberton's beard!” ― Admiral Bobbery Admiral Bobbery or just Bobbery is an elderly Bobomb in Paper Mario The ThousandYear Door and Mario's sixth partner Past He used to be a proud sailor who loved the sea but loved his wife Scarlette even more While he was out at sea Scarlette became very ill and died shortly after he returned from his voyage The grief and nightmares caused by her loss made him lose the desire to ever sail again Paper Mario The ThousandYear Door In Paper Mario The ThousandYear Door he is needed for navigation to Keelhaul Key yet he refuses to come When Mario gets the letter from his late wife Scarlette when Bobbery In the Animal Crossing game Animal Crossing New Leaf Gulliver mentioned that he has met Bobbery back in Rogueport at some time Admiral Bobbery had a very different design in his beta phase If Bobbery checks if Peach is okay and turns around it reveals to be an error the wooden wheel went through Peach's hair Beta Admiral Bobbery.