Aek Sipitu Dai. Aek sipitu dai adalah tujuh buah pancuran yang masingmasingnya memiliki rasa yang berbedabeda Air yang mengalir di pancuran ini berasal dari 7 buah mata air yang bergabung didalam satu tempat labuan (bak panjang) namun ketika dialirkan ke tujuh pancuran rasanya dapat kembali terpisah Menurut seorang penjaga tempat ini setiap orang yang mau masuk kedalamnya (untuk mencuci muka mandi.

Aek Sipitu Dai is a fountain that has seven taps in Sianjur Mulamula Subdistrict Samosir Each stream of the water has a different flavor Residents consider it a sacred place To see it on the map click here What’s Special Local people often come here for a blessing They believe that the water can heal numerous diseases.
The Uniqueness of Aek Sipitu Dai Fountain, Samosir Island
Aek Sipitu Dai Fountain also becomes a heritage of Batak Toba culture In fact it is the part of local legend The fountain is situated under a sacred and dense tree As mentioned earlier there are 7 taps with different taste In fact local people use them for different purposes The first tap is called Aek Poso Women often use it to bathe their toothless kids The second tap is often used.
Aek Sipitu Dai, Mata Air Tujuh Rasa Pengabul Permintaan
Nama Aek Dipitu Dai memiliki arti Air Tujuh Rasa Destinasi wisata ini berada di Desa Limbong Mulana Kecamatan Sianjur Mulamula Kabupaten Samosir Sumatera Utara Wisata Aek Sipitu Dai memberlakukan protokol kesehatan Covid19 wisata dengan melakukan pengecekan suhu tubuh Melewati turunan berbatu mata air ini bisa dengan mudah ditemukan.
7 Flavors to Taste at Aek Sipitu Dai
AEK Sipitu Dai called because the water in the soil out of the water sources from 7 to taste different and each has a water name / designation retired AEK namely ni Posoposo (Water Baby) AEK ni na hol (Air Mandul) AEK Boru na Gabe (Women's Air Subur) AEK Sibaso (midwife) AEK Pangulu (for the King Air) AEK Si Doli (Water for Youth) AEK Hela / Boru (Air Menantu) Discharge of water on.
Air Tujuh Rasa Di Limbong
‘Aek Sipitu Dai’ Air Tujuh Rasa di Tanah Batak samosir
Wisata Alam Danau Dai ( Seven Taste water ) Toba: Aek Sipitu
Percayakah kamu ada mata air tujuh rasa? Di Pulau Samosir terdapat Aek Sipitu Dai atau Mata Air Tujuh Rasa Konon menurut cerita tiap mata air ini selain me.