Atm Bni Pandai. BNI Call One Stop Solution via BNI Call 1500046 I n line with BNI Mission to provide excellent services and digital solutions to all customers and as the primary partner of choice BNI Call continues to deliver the Best Services to our customers anywhere and anytime BNI Call commitments to continuously improve the quality of service for customers is materialized.

BNI ATM saat ini berjumlah lebih dari 17000 mesin yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia (data per September 2016) dan terkoneksi dengan 58000 Jaringan ATM Link 76000 Jaringan ATM Bersama 96000 jaringan ATM PRIMA Jaringan Internasional Master Card Visa Visa Electron Plus JCB Asian Payment Network (MEPS/ITMX/KFTC) Union Pay serta ratusan ribu ATM.
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