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Tuesday Wikipedia
Europe is a continent which is also recognised as part of Eurasia located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere and mostly in the Eastern Hemisphere Comprising the westernmost peninsulas of the continental landmass of Eurasia it shares the continental landmass of AfroEurasia with both Asia and AfricaIt is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north the Atlantic Ocean to the west.
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The game system itself is fairly rules light and makes use of custom dice to determine success/failure (primary comparing attack dice rolled vs defense dice rolled) Each character has a card that describes their basic stats attacks super powers and innate abilities and this is where the depth and color of the game comes from AMG has done a great job of.
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Europe Wikipedia
The name Tuesday derives from the Old English Tiwesdæg and literally means “Tiw’s Day” Tiw is the Old English form of the ProtoGermanic god *Tîwaz or Týr in Old Norse *Tîwaz derives from the ProtoIndoEuropean base *dei *deyā *dīdyā meaning ‘to shine’ whence comes also such words as “deity” The German Dienstag and Dutch dinsdag are derived from the Germanic.