Gitar Fender Telecaster. The Fender Telecaster is seen by many as the primordial electric guitarSure one can argue that Paul Bigsby was also developing solid body instruments at the same time and in the same general area as Leo Fender but it is the Telecaster that is generally accepted as the first production solid guitar and the start of the modern guitar manufacturing business.

Fender American Professional II Telecaster (Best Value) $1500 Solid body electric guitarFender Custom Shop Limited Edition 70th Anniversary Broadcaster Relic (Best Overall)Fender American Ultra Luxe Telecaster (Editor’s Choice) $2400 Solid body electric guitarFender Player Telecaster (Best Under $1000) $800 Solid body electric guitar Alder MapleFender American Ultra Telecaster $2000 Solid body electric body Alder Maple Fret CountFender American Performer Telecaster $1300 Single Cutaway Alder Alder and Ash MapleFender 75th Anniversary Telecaster $900 Solid body electric guitar Alder Maple FretFender Jimmy Page Telecaster $1550 Solid body electric guitar 2piece Ash Maple FretSquier Classic Vibe ‘50s Telecaster $450 Solid Body Electric Guitar Pine Maple Fret CountFender Deluxe Telecaster Thinline $1100 Semihollow body Thinline Alder Maple Fret.
Best Telecasters 2022 Guitar World
The Fender Telecaster was offered in the standard finish it called Blond which is also the most common finish A Blond finish is a semitranslucent cream white color with wood grain visible through it Any finish other than Blond is considered a custom color and Fender guitar collectors will prioritize custom colors over the standard Blond finish.
Fender Telecaster Guitars: History Of The Fender Telecaster
Amounts shown in italicized text are for items listed in currency other than Canadian dollars and are approximate conversions to Canadian dollars based upon Bloomberg’s conversion.
Fender Player Series Telecaster – Editor’s Choice Our Top Pick Fender Player TelecasterSquier Affinity Telecaster – Best Cheap Telecaster Copy Budget Pick Squier By FenderCharvel ProMod SoCal Style 2 – Best Telecaster Style Guitar Under $1000 Best UnderESP LTD TE1000 Evertune – Most Versatile Telecaster Alternative Most Versatile ESP LTDG&L Tribute ASAT Classic – Best Vintage Telecaster Style Guitar Best Vintage TelecasterSchecter Sun Valley Super Shredder PT – Best Telecaster Style Guitar for Metal Best forSchecter PT Pro – Best Value Telecaster Style Guitar Best Value Schecter PT Pro We earnSuhr Classic T – Best Premium Telecaster Style Guitar Premium Pick Suhr Classic T WeTokai Telecaster – Best Japanese Telecaster Clone Tokai Telecaster We earn a.
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Standard Telecaster Fender
JV Modified ‘60s Custom Telecaster ($134999 USD £129900 GBP €149900 EUR $259900 AUD ¥162800 JPY) The ’60s Custom Telecaster has a resonant basswood body and is double bound for a touch of elegance Its dual singlecoil pickups are voiced to deliver classic Tele tone A 4way switch allows players to quickly select each.