Jurnal Audit Internal. PDF fileJurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis 25 Volume 20 No 1 April 2017 ISSN 1979 6471 dilakukan oleh organisasi Pendekatan yang dilakukan dalam audit internal pun.
Peranan Audit Internal Dalam Menunjang Efektivitas Pengendalian Intern Kas Akurat Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Fe Unibba from E-JOURNAL UNIBBA
PDF fileThe Influence of internal factors (Solvability) to audit delay and timeliness Debt Ratio has a major role and are at great risk for the occurrence of The Influence of internal factors (Total Assets) to audit delay and timeliness Related to the timeliness of the annual audit report company size is.
internal audit either partially or simultaneously and competence contributes the most to the quality of the internal audit Thus this research mod el can be used to measure the quality of.
PDF filejurnal analisis juni 2017 vol 6 no 1 68 – 75 issn 2303100x 68 pengaruh kualitas audit independensi auditor dan keahlian auditor terhadap efektivitas audit.
Critical Literature Review on Internal Audit Effectiveness
Jurnal Aku ntansi dan Auditing 12 89109 Rudhani L H Vokshi Internal audit is an important tool in helping senior management.
Peranan Audit Internal Dalam Menunjang Efektivitas Pengendalian Intern Kas Akurat Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Fe Unibba
Pengaruh Audit Internal Terhadap Operasi Penjualan (Studi
Effectiveness of Internal Internal Audit in Supporting
Online Library International Journal of Auditing Wiley
Internal Auditing Practices and Internal Control System in
This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of internal audit at PT Bank Sulselbar Makassar in supporting internal control over fraud This study uses a qualitative approach with the method of documentation interviews and questionnaires to the internal auditors antifraud department and management as data collection methods After the data was collected data.