Media Neliti Jurnal. This study aims to find out how the economic and political interests of the media in Indonesia are primarily related to public space in Indonesia Especially in the 2019 presidential election wherein the capital owners controlled and even participated directly in political circles The focus of this research is on the criticize of how the media can not be separated from.

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Pdf Development Of Learning Media Based On Videoscribe To Improve Writing Skill For Descriptive Text Of English Language Study from PDF) Development of Learning Media …

Abstract Technology always has two faces Radicalism found its heaven when the Internet can be used as a media for propaganda and for recruiting new members On the contrary the Internet could also be used to counter radicalism Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme (BNPT) in collaboration with Pusat Media Damai (PMD) has three websites.

LAMPIRAN 1. Hasil Turn It In

Media Neliti 10 (9) 32 Didiharyono D Tenrigau A M & Marsal M (2018) Pemanfaatan Sampah Plastik Untuk Dijadikan Bantal Yang Berkualitas Dan Bernilai Ekonomis Di Desa Tolada Kecematan Malangke Kabupaten Luwu Utara To Maega Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 1 (1) 813 Inferm W (2021).

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Banyak yang masih bingung bagaimana cara membuat jurnal dan cara submit jurnal hingga publish makalah atau naskah ilmiah kita yang sudah di buat dapat submit dan masuk pada publikasi jurnal nasional Mungkin itu adalah masalah yang juga Anda alami dan rasakan sekarang Tentu pertanyaan ini sering muncul pada kalangan mahasiswa atau dosen dan juga.

Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan dan Teknologi Informasi (JIPTI)

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Pdf Development Of Learning Media Based On Videoscribe To Improve Writing Skill For Descriptive Text Of English Language Study

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Melawan Radikalisme melalui Website Kusuma Jurnal ASPIKOM

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Jurnal Pengertian Media Pembelajaran Menurut Para Ahli Pdf

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Ilmiah Online, Mudahkan Pencarian Neliti Startup Jurnal

(PDF) Pengaruh Perilaku Fanatik Terhadap Agresi Verbal

University of Toronto (UToronto) Neliti

The Relationship Between Workload and Work Stress With Caring Behavior Of Nurses in Inpatient Rooms.