Panca Budi Idaman Tbk. Bisniscom JAKARTA – Produsen plastik PT Panca Budi Idaman Tbk (PBID) menargetkan pertumbuhan penjualan sebesar 10–15 persen pada tahun ini dengan memanfaatkan naiknya layanan pesan antar makanan Direktur Panca Budi Lukman Hakim menyatakan pihaknya akan mempertahankan ratarata utilitas produksi di angka 80 persen.
The Income Statement (earnings report) for Panca Budi Idaman Tbk PT Find the company’s financial performance revenue and more.
Panca Budi Idaman Tbk PT, PBID:JKT profile
PT Panca Budi Idaman Tbk engages in the production and distribution of plastic products The firm operates through the following segments Plastic Resin Plastic Packaging and Other Its products include polyethylene polypropylene high density polyethylene and heavy duty sacks The company was founded by Djonny Taslim on January 10 1.
PT Panca Budi Idaman Tbk is an Indonesianbased company primarily engaged in the production of plastic packaging The Company manufactures heavy duty plastic sacks plastic packaging made from Polyethylene (PE) Polypropylene (PP) and High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) as well as food wrapping paper cake box plastic ropes rubber bands and straws.
Monica Noveline Fuad System and Procedure Officer PT
Find here historical data for the Panca Budi Idaman Tbk PT stock (PBID) as well as the closing price open high low change and %change.
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PT. Panca Budi Idaman Tbk [PBID] IDNFinancials
PT Panca Budi Idaman Tbk Relationship Science
Budi (PBID dan Laundry, Panca Manfaatkan Food Delivery
Panca Budi Idaman Tbk PT, PBID:JKT summary
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Panca Budi Idaman Tbk PT Historical Price Data (PBID
Panca Budi designed strategies to reach a 10%15% growth
Panca Budi Idaman Tbk (PBID) adalah produsen dan distributor produk jadi dari kantong plastik Perusahaan memulai operasi komersialnya dengan memproduksi kantong plastik pada tahun 1991 Merek pertama yang diperkenalkan oleh Perusahaan adalah Pluit dan selanjutnya mengembangkan merek lain seperti Tomat Bangkuang Jeruk Cabe 222 Wayang.