Studio Luna. We are Augusta’s first and only donationbased yoga studio with diverse offerings ranging from Hot Power classes to relaxing Yin Yoga and Aerial Yoga We also offer several populationspecific classes that directly support the work our nonprofit Project Create Space does in the community allowing us to bring nocost specialized yoga programs to underserved communities all.

TFLuna is a singlepoint ranging LiDAR based on the TOF (Time of Flight) principle It is mainly used for stable accurate and highframerate range detection This LiDAR is built with algorithms adapted to suit various application environments and offers excellent distance measurement performances in complex application fields and scenarios.
SVS: Moon Phase and Libration, 2022
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has been in orbit around the Moon since the summer of 2009Its laser altimeter and camera are recording the rugged airless lunar terrain in exceptional detail making it possible to visualize the Moon with unprecedented fidelityThis is especially evident in the long shadows cast near the terminator or daynight line.
Lexa Luna Studio Planters Vases And Cups Wescover
TFLuna LiDAR Module Seeed Studio
Space Yoga Studio Augusta YOGA STUDIO
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