Www Gontor Ac Id. UNIDA Gontor – English Comprehensive Examination on Even Semester 1441/1442 2020/2021 organized by Directorate of Language Development University of Darussalam Gontor Friday 2 Jumada Tsania Read More Ahmad Kali Akbar.
Pdf Professionalism Concept Of Work Ethic In Islamic Perspective from researchgate.net
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Research Universitas Darussalam Gontor
A All papers should be submitted via online email ficcomss2022@unidagontoracid B Paper submissions must comply with the following guidelines 1 Introduction (Research background and objectives) 2 Methodology (Data Method of Estimation Technique and Model) 3 Literature review (Theory and related previous study) 4 Result and Analysis.
AICIF 2019 – Department of Islamic Economics Gontor
Lisanudhad is a scientific media to develop the quality of academicians in universities in Indonesia especially in Universitas Darussalam Gontor It was first published in 2014 in press version and open journal system in 2015 ISSN 23561998 (print) and eISSN .
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Upon notification of abstract acceptance the full paper should be sent to aauf@unidagontoracid * The full paper should be written no more than 20 pages using Traditional Arabic font for Arabic language with size 16 pt and Palatino Linotype font for Bahasa and English language with size 12 pt Registration Fee *Indonesian participant IDR 600000 *.